Volunteer Teams
Dear all,
Thank you for coming to the audition evenings. I had a lot of fun! It was also really great to meet some of you for the first time and I am really looking forward to working with you this V-Season. Below I have included the list of tasks I put together which need to be worked on for our V-Day event/production. Please respond to this email to let me know what you are interested in working on and then I will create smaller teams and put you in touch with each other via email so you can plan to work together or independently. I would also like you to let me know how things are developing and plan to meet with at least one member of your team or keep in touch over the phone as things develop. I'm also interested in working on some of these areas as well, so for these I will let you know when I send out the email after creating groups.
In the mean time, please let me know what you would like to work on as well as any additional notes in regards to monologues. My goal is to let you know your monologue by mid-week next week so that you can begin to feel comfortable with your monologue. I am also looking at my calendar to try to organise some full rehearsal date suggestions. I haven't heard from anyone in regards to times that are off limits.
Press, publicity and promotional/marketing:
press releases
posters, fliers, brochures, postcards, etc.
create program outline, finalise and print programs
pursue press coverage
create keep in touch forms to have at event
sell advertisements in program to local stores and restaurants
set ticket prices: rolling price of 5-15gbp mentioned
design, create, and sell tickets
do we want to sell products at our event to make more money? Some examples include: items sold on v-day site, posters on mencanstoprape.org, making/baking items to sell, drinks, etc.
donations (tax free direct debits for large donations: possible?buckets for donations)
issue check to V-Day at end of season for 10% of profits
creating fund for women who have no recourse to public funds
Complimenting Events/Information
--getting to know our beneficiary: is there a group of women we can support whom will receive support from the funds? Ideas: make-overs, planning a movie night: We discussed this at both meetings, Noel mentioned the St. Mary Magdeline Centre as well as other possible groups he can approach at the Refugee Forum Meeting on 7th Feb.
–-any other ideas for events leading up to V-Day or including at our production: display of art by women who have been survivors of violence? Artwork to celebrate being a woman? I know that the DV week will be full of events, but there was also a mention of images/photographs being used during week can be used for V-Day event. I am also interested in whether you have other ideas. Putting a display up on refugees in the area as well as other information which connects the spotlight campaign and facts related to Islington mentioned at Monday's meeting.
–-an event to involve men (take a look at the v-spot section on men, other ideas?)
-- We need to compile facts about violence against women in Islington as well as other facts you feel would be relevant to weave through our show
Tech Crew
all meet together to discuss ideas as well as skills and resources
Stage Manager: who wants to help the director?
Stage/Set Design
Technical Crew: Lights, sound
Setting Up Production/Ushers
Spotlight Campaign
Info posted on V-Day/vspot (let me know if you want access to this) as well as info posted on vdaystopviolenceagainstwomen.blogspot.com
How can we/will we educate the community through out v-day event on the spotlight subject?
Who would like to be invited to access more information via v-spot? Recommended to those leading smaller groups within the team and anyone interested in participating in the online forum/discussions.
We have 52 days/7 weeks and 3 days. Please look at your calendar to let me know if there are dates you cannot meet for our full rehearsals as I would like to put those dates on the calendar in the coming week and create tentative dates to confirm as soon as possible.
Misc:do mailings, create decorations, copy fliers, put up posters, usher at production, sell products
Please let me know what you would like to do! I also have noted from our audition evenings for those of you that have already mentioned interest in some of these areas, but a specific confirmation would be helpful as well.
Thanks and looking forward to hearing from you all soon.
Enjoy the rest of your week,
Labels: V-Day Islington
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