Tuesday, May 15, 2007

V-Day Islington Reunion!

Hello Everyone,

Have you missed my long, detailed and organised emails? Well miss me no more. I have returned from my long sabatical after our show. And I am ready to start organising again. That's right, I would like to organise a time to get together before the summer is in full swing, mostly because I will be gone for the month of July...I've also had a few emails from some of you who are interested in meeting up to see how everyone is doing.

June: I know it's a bit short notice, but I'd like to organise something for June. I am assuming most will be out of town for the Bank Holiday weekend, so June is our best bet. Please respond and let me know if a Friday evening or a late Saturday afternoon/early evening would be better for you. [dates below]

Also let me know any dates you absolutely CAN'T do and I will try to organise something for a day where the most of us can attend. I do think it may be difficult to find a time everyone can attend, but will do my best. I am thinking that the easiest place to meet for drinks would be where we had our 'cast party' after the show, since Islington seems the best locale for meeting. They also had a large enough space which extends outdoors and it should be sunny weather by THEN. [The Alwyne Castle on St. Paul's road]

Future Events:
Erin and I are also meeting this week to discuss another event we would like to organise together to be put on at the end of August. After we have our meeting, I will send out an email with the information in case any of you would be interested in taking part or at least attending. This will be a book reading, rather than a theatre performance, for the book release of A Memory, a Monologue, a Rant, and a Prayer, edited by Eve Ensler. More details to follow.

Back to party planning. Possible days for our V-Day reunion:
Friday from 7pm onwards
Saturday from 6/7pm onwards

Possible dates:

Friday, June 1
Saturday, June 9
Friday, June 15
Friday, June 22
Saturday, June 23
Saturday, June 30

Again, just let me know the dates that DON'T work for you, that's easier to organise on my end.

Here's hoping that we all catch up together soon!




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